Wednesday, May 20, 2009

March for Non-Violence

The students at AFE are the future leaders of Honduras. This is our dream and mission – to take the children of the garbage dump and allow them to become what God intended: successful leaders of their country, standing as pillars of all that God is capable of doing.

One of the most exciting aspects of this ministry is the opportunity to see the students grow up right before your eyes, and to begin to become these “pillars.” This is especially true of our older students. They participate in a leadership class in a special afterschool program. As the final project for this class they had to practice leadership in a concrete way. By their own initiative, they decided to organize a march in the community against domestic violence and abuse.

On Sunday afternoon around fifty of AFE´s students walked around the Linda Miller community, united against violence. Other people from the community saw what they were doing and joined the march. It culminated in an informal town meeting as that addressed the issues involved with domestic violence. We are so proud of our students. During the meeting, the young people spoke eloquently against the violence many of them had seen firsthand. For one day, I was able to glimpse the potential of our emerging leaders at AFE: young people who had come from garbage yet will soon change the world.

Monday, May 4, 2009

US Ambassador Visits AFE

On March 24th, AFE was privileged to receive a visit from the United States’ ambassador to Honduras, Hugo Llorens. Llorens has an impressive track record of social and economic development in the Americas and officially became the US ambassador in September 2008.
AFE feels extraordinarily honored that Ambassador Llorens made it one of his early priorities to visit and help build a partnership between AFE and the prestigious economic-assistance organization, US Aid. Bill Brands, the mission director of US Aid in Honduras, accompanied the ambassador, and was particularly excited about the possibility of aiding AFE’s vocational school.
Both Ambassador Llorens and Brands seemed touched by the program that the AFE kids put together to thank them, and also appeared inspired by the educational milestones these children had achieved. Ambassador Llorens plans to visit again in the spring to donate sets of classic books, in Spanish, to the literacy program at AFE. He also intends to bring the media with him and draw local attention to AFE’s work. Additionally, Ambassador Llorens hopes to help AFE network with the manager of a private recycling company with whom he has a connection.

Thank you to Michael Miller, who helped to facilitate the visit with the ambassador, and of course to Ambassador Llorens himself and Bill Brands, who took time out of their busy schedules to get to know the children of the Tegucigalpa city garbage dump.