Thursday, July 9, 2009

In All Things God Works for the Good

Many times I have had the experience of chatting with my hair stylist and dentist about what I do only to encounter the response: “Honduras? I’ve never heard of that country before. Where is it located?”

When Rey and I first learned of the alleged coup d’état in Honduras, my dad quoted the verse to me: “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose” (Romans 8:28). I was skeptical. Really Dad, good can come out of a coup d’ état in Honduras, in a region where such military takeovers have been connected with violent oppression, civil wars, and mass disappearances? How could God possibility use the corruption on both sides of the “democratic process” in Honduras to bring forth good?

Well, two weeks, “stuck in the United States,” have brought about very fruitful meetings and times of organizing for Project Transformation, and opportunities to meet with key players in the development process.

And, two weeks later, Honduras is on the minds and hearts of all America…perhaps even the world. What prayer support will grow out of this crisis for Honduras and its people? What new resources will be inspired by this great media attention, brought about by a tragic circumstance?

God can truly work good out of bad circumstances.

Monday, July 6, 2009


Psalm 137:1 By the rivers of Babylon we sat and wept when we remembered Zion.
Since last Sunday, the Diaz family has been in exile from their home in Honduras. President Zelaya was arrested and deposed as the leader by the supreme court and congress. The embassy has restricted travel unless it is life or death. At first it was only for a couple days. Then the restrictions kept getting longer. And longer. While we wait and wait.

It is not that we don’t like spending some quality time with family and friends. It is not knowing what is going to happen or when we are going back. We are in limbo. Most of our stuff is in Honduras. All of all work is in Honduras. Our calling is in Honduras. Not knowing when we will return has been difficult for us this last week.

Then yesterday, there was a showdown between military and 20,000 protestors. 2 or possibly more were killed and 30 injured as the heavy gunfire was used against the crowd. I don’t know what the best course of action is. I don’t know what will happen between the two sides. I don’t know when it will be safe to return. Thanks God Jeony and all of AFE are relatively safe. There have been no demonstrations or violence in that part of town.

I am praying for Honduras and I invite you all to pray with me. Please pray for peace. Pray for this situation to be resolved quickly. Pray for the students at AFE and their families. Pray for the families in the garbage dump. Pray that God’s will be done.

Psalm 137:4 How can we sing songs of the LORD while in a foreign land?

I can sing because I know God is in control. May his will be done.