Wednesday, August 26, 2009

New Babies

Earlier this year we formed a nursery for babies who would be cared for in the garbage dump if they were not safely in our nursery. We began with the younger brother and sister of some AFE students: Daniel and Yoli. In the couple of months since they started with the nursery, they have changed right before our eyes. They wear clean clothes, clean diapers, and have washed hair. There is a new sparkle in their eyes. They are loved and cared for by many of the capable, loving staff at AFE while their parents work in the garbage dump.

We knew that once we started, God would bring the right babies into our nursery. It did not take long for God to act. We have tripled in size and now have 6 beautiful babies. The 4 new babies are – Angel (11) months, Scarlet (5 years), Carlos (1 year), and Abigail (5 months).
I am amazed at how vulnerable these children are to the environment. I am so grateful we have a place of safety and security for them. Due to 4 new babies, we have had to hire a new full-time staff member for the nursery. Now Johanna and Claudio work full-time in the nursery although you can always catch some other staff members cuddling with the babies or praying for them. It is hard for the teachers to resist the cute babies

Please pray for these new babies. Pray they would never know the garbage dump. Pray they would be loved and know God’s plan for their lives. Thanks to so many who have helped make this dream come true.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

A Disquiet Peace

Once it became apparent that Mel Zelaya´s political posturing was nothing more than hopping back and forth over the border, yelling ¨Na-na-na-na-nah!¨ to the press, Rey and I decided that we could safely fly back into Tegucigalpa. When we arrived and began the drive through town, most of the walls and street corners were marked, painted over, than marked again: evidence of the many demonstrations. I looked with interest at the graffiti, correcting spelling errors in my mind, and chuckling at some of the more creative artists: “Pinocheletti,” “Fuera Golpistas” It all seemed a little one-sided. ¨That´s because Mel´s supporters a rag-tag bunch and very poorly behaved,” our driver commented.

The opinions here are as varied as our August weather. “The political protestors are paid off, with Chavez´s money!” “Both ‘presidents’ are ladrones!” “The news is wrong. It wasn’t a coup d’etat. The removal of Zelaya was done legally, in line with Honduras’ constitution, not the United States’ constitution”. I, personally, don’t know what to believe. History will tell, perhaps, what really happened.

In the meantime Honduras enjoys a disquiet peace. Life goes on as normal, giving the weekly political demonstrations a wide margin. The curfew keeps people off the streets at night, when it is in effect. We look forward to the November elections, hoping they will bring back international aid to this poor country. I try to put a happy spin on it to my Honduran friends: at least the world now knows of this small country, south of Mexico. “Yes,” they reply, “they know that we are politically ailing…not of the beauty and greatness that lies within our people.”

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Time, Talent, and Treasure

I just finished reading an incredible book I recommend to everyone – The Hole in My Gospel by Richard Stearns. There is so much I can say about this book because it is simply amazing and challenging.

One of the main questions the book wrestles with is, “What does God expect of us?” What a great question. It forces us to come face to face with our God. It makes us read afresh his words in scripture. And most importantly, it allows us a chance to dream about what God has in store for our lives.

God has saved us. He has chosen us. What does he expect of us now? One thought is the idea that God wants our time, talents, and treasures. These are very real ways we can respond to God. We can give time to his kingdom work. We can invest our lives and families to make sure those around us know the truth and love of God. We can also invest our unique talents to serve alongside God. I believe there are things which only we can do through the unique calling, personality and gifts God has given us. Finally, we can give God from much he has given. Aside from tithing, which is basically giving 10 percent of our income back to God, we can also sacrifice and give offerings. We can give to support God’s kingdom.

Time, talents and treasures.

Dance Video

Here is the video I promised