Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Special Forces Arrive

On Monday, we picked up our newest recruit to Project Transformation – Kelly Glenn. She just finished the first year of Seattle University where she is studying International Studies. Kelly comes from Washington Cathedral where she has grown up. She is a leader in their Student Ministries and Esperanza Service. She is passionate about missions and will be with us for a couple months. We are incredibly lucky to have Kelly on our team because she is a rising star and will one day rock the world.

Kelly is coming at a critical time. At AFE, we have not had a consistent kindergarten teacher. The same was true last year which has hurt this year’s first graders. Their teacher has told me the entire class is behind where they should be because they basically missed learning the foundations in kindergarten. Kelly will be taking on this pivotal spot in the mornings. Hopefully, the next two months will be formative for the kindergarten class with Kelly’s help. Thanks to all of you who prayed for God to send someone. Kelly will also be helping with other areas of Project Transformation including writing, administration, marketing, and work teams.

If you would like more information on joining our new internship program please contact Elise Diaz at elisewhitediaz@gmail.com . She will email you a preliminary application. There is nothing like working in a different country on behalf of the poor.

1 comment:

k1 said...

Kelly, glad you made it safely.

Good luck with the kindergardners.